Consult GOAL

Please send us your inquiries and questions regarding logistics and services. The person in charge will get back to you later.

We check the submitted forms between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays. (Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, during the summer Obon holiday, and during New Year's holidays)
We will notify you about the summer Obon holiday and New Year's holidays in advance in the "Notice" section of our website.

  • Please do not use half-width katakana or special characters such as enclosed alphanumerics as they may get garbled.
  • Please note that this form will time out after a certain amount of time (approximately 30 minutes) and the data you have entered may be lost.
1. Fill out the form
2. Confirm the entry
3. Form submitted

Your Company's Industry and Business Type

Products Handled

Import/ Export/ Cross-border eCommerce

Shipping Method

Inquiry Subject

Use Duration


Customer Code

Inquiry Details

Please keep your inquiry within 1,000 characters.
Please do not use half-width katakana or special characters such as enclosed alphanumerics as they may not get displayed correctly.

Where did you find out about our service?

Company Name



Telephone Number (numeric characters)

Please enter it in numeric characters without hyphens.

Email Address (alphanumeric characters and symbols)

*Please enter your email address again for verification (copying is disabled)


City / Street Address

State / Province / Region


Handling of Personal Information

Personal information provided by customers will be used within the range of usage purposes stated in our Personal Information Protection Policy.

  • Depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take us time to get back to you, or we may reply by phone or in writing instead of email.
  • We may not be able to reply properly if your inquiry contains mistakes. When filling out the inquiry form, please double-check your phone number and email address.
  • We may send a survey to the provided email address.
  • Please note that we may not be able to reply to all inquiries from our customers.